when they cancelled your birthday

‘when they cancelled your birthday i began packing for this expedition. 35 maps charted by i, given to you to celebrate you’s life (well specifically its impact on i’s). it was meant to be an act of love but everything is harder to recognize under a DIY bandit mask. when they cancelled your birthday they made it taboo so i secretly, and maybe a little bit selfishly, enacted it every day for 8 weeks in the pandemic spring of two thousand and twenty. ‘

In my most formally ambitious leap yet, comes a book of poetry masquerading as a performance text that is actually a birthday card claiming to be a map to a distant galaxy no one has heard of called alphatahédron. Spanning 2000 years, this puzzle-box work follows the friendship between you and i as it unfolds across lifetimes, historical plagues, esoteric literary works, star charts, and Zoom. Written in the pandemic spring of 2020 this 85 page birthday card reinvents the terrains in which we might meet eachother in a world that can no longer gather.

when we close our eyes

& twilight breaks

across our hearts

we hope someone

will tell us the story

of our lives

someone will know

where it started

how it ends

& why i wake up

every now and again

thinking this story

is the one free miracle

i asked for

on the promise

that someday i

would explain

the rest.
